Wednesday 17 September 2014

For the sake of fashion...

I love clothes (and shoes obviously...) always have done.

At school I loved was the 80s so that involved leg warmers and ra ra skirts (both of which I still secretly like...).

As I have gotten older I have found my 'own' style which is kind of a mix between hippy, goth, witchy and Stevie Nicks (with a bit of Steampunk thrown in on occasion).  It would of course be all of those things all of the time if I had stack loads of money with which to purchase entire wardrobes.

I look at pictures on the net and see images on TV and films of what I would like to wear and look like but somehow when I try to put it together it never seems to completely gel...

I have an idea in my head of a bohemian gypsy look - large brimmed felt hat, white cheescloth pirate shirt, layered gypsy skirt with reams of material and heap loads of broderie anglais petticoat underneath, fitted jacket and lace up boots, dripping with pretty coloured beads and arms loaded with silver bangles and fingers full of silver rings.  In reality, although I love hats they do make your head hot and my attempts at layering all these shirts and full skirts makes me look like a bag lady.  Pretty beads I can do and lots of bangles and rings...but it's not overly comfortable especially if you are trying to type or anything vaguely practical.  As for drapy witchy sleeves?  Totally not practical for anything except maybe sitting reading all day in a castle tower...

We (Tracey and I) did purchase a couple of beautiful gypsy style skirts in Glastonbury earlier this year - yards and yards of recycled sari material, soooo gorgeous and swirly...and so incredibly heavy to wear that you need stablisers on it...

I love pretty hair scarves, absolutely adore pictures of women I see with long ruffled hair all just effortlessly tied up in a beautiful silk scarf.  My attempts either result in said pretty scarf sliding off my head with speed as soon as I stand up or I look like Mrs Mopp wearing a headscarf to cover my hair rollers...

I love a corset, especially the Steampunk ones...and I do have a couple (or three) and they look fabulous...if you are standing up...because seriously who can sit down in those things or eat or breathe?

I love a fitted suit jacket especially teamed with a fitted waistcoat and they do look fabulous but is it just me or are they just so restrictive for moving in?

Maybe as I have gotten older I have just become less tolerant of being uncomfortable for the sake of 'fashion'...

But I will relentlessly continue in my efforts to create the desired outcome...sometimes it may work, others not so much...when it works I probably won't be able to breathe or move...other times I shall stay indoors wearing something much more comfortable...


  1. One word. Elastic. Everything. Ok, that's two words but you catch my drift. LOL ;)

  2. "I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch!" ~ Gilda Radner
    Love the post. Glad I'm not the only one. chuckle For my friends and family's entertainment I went and started a blog about trying to "find my style" at almost 56 years of age. Have barely started, but have made some real discoveries about myself. Very interesting process. Good luck and Blessings to you!


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