Monday 16 March 2015

Flowers that tell a story...♥

I was incredibly blessed to receive some lovely presents on Mother's Day and one of them was hand crafted by my daughter.

She wanted to create something that required book pages but knowing that I treasure books and am incredibly strict about how books should be kept, looked after and treated she had a bit of a dilemma as the craft needed book pages to be cut up *shock horror gasp*...I don't even fold down page corners let alone cut up pages!!

My daughter visited a charity shop and looked through all the books to find the tattiest most unloved book she could and unearthed a small hardback book whose spine was broken and the book itself was very battered.  It just happened to be an Agatha Christie Poirot story (one of my favourite book characters).

What she created with the pages after that was absolutely they page flowers - not only wonderful and creative but also with the added dimension of having words from an incredibly good story printed across the petals.

You Tube link if you want to give it a go...

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